Is your gout caused by another disease?
Then, GoutPal Plan for Secondary Gout is for you.
It is a 7-step plan for finding curable gout.
Specifically, it helps you see if you can cure gout, by removing underlying causes.

This is part of a series of plans for all gout sufferers. First, answer Questions for Gout Sufferers. Then, use this GoutPal plan to see if you can remove the cause of your gout.

GoutPal Plan for Secondary Gout

Here is my step-by-step plan for Secondary Gout. Please read through each step carefully. Then ask in the gout forum if you need clarification on any step(s).

The 7 step GoutPal Plan for Secondary Gout is:

  1. Goals.
  2. Objectives.
  3. Undertaking.
  4. Tests.
  5. Plans.
  6. Assess.
  7. Live.

Gout is usually caused by genetic problems with processing uric acid. However, some diseases, or treatments for diseases, can cause gout. Sometimes, you can cure the underlying disease. Or, change gout-causing treatments for better alternatives. Another type of removable cause is environmental factors, such as exposure to toxins.

1. Personal Goals.
What do you want to achieve? Make this as personal as you can. It might be to find the causes of your gout. But, personal goals are more effective. So, you might aim for enjoying a future family event, a walking holiday, or other pleasure. Be as personal as you can, when setting your goals. That way, you are much more motivated. If you want to start a Secondary Gout plan now, tell me your personal gout goals in the forum.
2. Secondary Gout Plan Objectives.
Every GoutPal Plan for Secondary Gout seeks to cure gout by removing underlying causes. But, as you start your plan, you need to decide which suspect you will investigate first. Choose which objective(s) you want to start investigating:
  • Medications you take for other health problems.
  • Health problems that are known to increase risk of gout.
  • Environmental toxins.
3. Your Secondary Gout Undertakings.
For each objective, you undertake to identify as many suspects as you can. Then, you undertake to investigate each suspected gout cause.
4. Tests for Secondary Gout Group.
Every gout sufferer should take uric acid excretion and blood tests. Then, for each suspected cause of gout, there may be other tests to organize.
5. Personal Secondary Gout Plans.
Plans involve investigating and eliminating possible causes of gout. Essentially, you learn about different causes of gout.
6. Assess removable gout causes.
For each suspected cause of gout, we assess if it can be eliminated. Then, we assess if eliminating that cause, cures your gout. If not, we might return to Objectives, or Undertakings, and try different subjects. Or, we might realize your gout is incurable, and start a treatment plan. If you do remove the cause of your gout, …
7. Live your gout-free life.
Congratulations, on curing your gout. Live your life to the full. But, spare a thought for other gout sufferers. Keep dropping by the gout forum, to encourage other sufferers to cure their gout.

Secondary Gout Group image

Your Secondary Gout Plan

You can read more information in current Secondary Gout Support Group discussions.

If you want casual help with your Secondary Gout plan, just ask in the gout forum. You can ask about any aspect of your gout, at any time.

Leave GoutPal Plan for Secondary Gout to see other GoutPal Gout Management Plans.

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