Natural or Medical Alternatives to Allopurinol is my featured image for several pages. Because we have lots of Allopurinol Alternative Discussions.
Most significantly, you should start with the big picture at Allopurinol Alternatives? Is Anything Better For Gout? Because, if allopurinol is not suitable for you, your doctor must arrange a uric acid excretion test to see if you are an over-producer or under-excreter.
Under-excreters of uric acid need uricosuric treatment. The main medical uricosuric is probenecid. But you might also consider non-medical uricosuric treatments.
Over-producers of uric acid need Xanthine Oxidase Inhibitors (XOIs). The main medical alternative to allopurinol is febuxostat (Uloric, Feburic, and other brands). But you might also consider non-medical XOIs.
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