Tests have revealed the presence of a fungus called Rhizopus.
Shipments have been refused entry into Macoa.
The Department of Health in Hong Kong has withdrawn Purinol from sale, and is investigating other drugs manufactured by Europharm. Please note that this only affects Europharm Laboratories in Hong Kong.
The contamination appears to have occurred due to delays in the process of converting the active ingredients mixture into tablet form. It does not affect other manufacturers of allopurinol.
Patients receiving Purinol are urged to seek alternative allopurinol supplies from the clinics where there drugs where dispensed. It is vital that you do this immediately, as suspected medicines should never be used, but allopurinol should not be discontinued without the advice of your doctor.
Please check your allopurinol packaging immediately. You only need to take action if the medicine was manufactured by Europharm Labs of Hong Kong. Note that you should do this even if you live outside Hong Kong, as the drug is exported from there to other countries.
I’m not understanding why the Allopurinol that i was using was recalled if it wasnt from the supplier that had the tainted Allopurinol.
Sorry I left out an important fact, the Mfg: is APOTEX CORP can you tell me if that is one of the suppliers that has a call back, for Allopurinol?
The only recall that I am aware of is the Europharm one in Hong Kong. If you have had a different recall, please share the details of who recalled them, and why.