Keith’s GoutPal Story 2020 Forums Please Help My Gout! 4 weeks and going strong.

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    Hey folks,
    on a 4 week gout flare. Epic.

    I haven’t had an attack for over 3 years then suddenly KABOOOOOOOM. It started really innocuous and went full blown god hates me please just kill me now flare up.

    I have been six months on the paleo diet.
    Best shape of me life. Have lost about 10 pounds over the last 6 months.
    Strength train 3 times a week.

    I’ve had it before and it usually goes away after a couple days but this stuff is not going anywhere. I started on indo for a week and that did nothing other than ruin my stomach. Went on prednisone 8 day taper, an that helped a ton, as soon as I got off it KABOOM. back to where I was. Yesterday went back to er and got some Colcrys. That seems to tone it down.

    I don’t know why it’s so strong and not going away.

    My uric acid was 6.3 and decided to test a week later and it was up to 9.4.

    I do protein shakes but quit those since one doc thinks that is the issue, though protein powders don’t have purines. So maybe it is my kidneys not being able to excrete. I don’t know.

    Tried BS, AVC, Cherry juice, looking for some snake oil or something at this point. FML.

    I think it might be TOO much red meat for me, but fri I had a steak and sat was real bad so maybe that was just coincidence of going off the meds, who knows.

    I feel like I need to just stop eating all together cause I really don’t know the exact cause. I don’t do more than my bw in protein combined. I haven’t drank since the attack. Drink lots of water and so on but there just seems to be no end.

    Maybe it’s cause I feel alittle better then I start to walk etc which aggravates it , kind like a repetitive strain injury. ?

    It’s been four week and am ready for this to stop but don’t know what to do.


    Try Allopurinol wink


    WHAT odo said x 2


    Make that x3.

    Keith Taylor

    driftwood said

    I don’t know why it’s so strong and not going away.

    Gout is not an eating disorder, it is a uric acid imbalance. Diet changes can make a small difference, as can a teaspoon in a flooded boat, but the small change is not enough.

    Each day your uric acid rises above the crystallization point, is another day of more uric acid crystals deposited in and around your joints. In my humble opinion, prednisone, and in fact any pain relief, will make this worse, because they are masking the symptoms, not treating the cause. As soon as the relief stops, you said it, KABOOOOOOOM. Pain relief is good as support for a few months whilst allopurinol does it’s job, otherwise it is a joint wrecker.

    Or in other words, make that x4


    Keith Gout Advisor said

    … In my humble opinion, prednisone, and in fact any pain relief, will make this worse, because they are masking the symptoms, not treating the cause. As soon as the relief stops, you said it, …

    Or in other words, make that x4

    I see, I get some unsolicited support of my philosophy regarding pain.
    Don’t be humble, Keith, when it comes to GOUT and big Pharma. In my not so humble opinion, it takes a big club to hit gout over the head before that animal becomes docile (too bad we can’t kill it.)

    Or in other words, make that x 5.cry

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