Keith’s GoutPal Story 2020 Forums Please Help My Gout! Gout Related Exercising and general soreness

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    I am between flareups currently. First and only one was about two months ago. Good diet now. Self monitoring averaging below 6.0, etc, etc, etc….

    I have a couple questions. Ever since my original attack my big toe (where the attack happened) is always a little sore to the touch. Not much – but pushing lightly on the same spot on the non-attack foot does not generate any pain. Is it common to have heightened sensitivity in the attack area long after the last attack? I would think it would have healed by now….

    Second question is…I am starting an exercise routine that will include low-impact cardio like elliptical trainers and riding my bike to work (17 miles each way). Will this potentially cause another attack or be painful? or anything that I should be aware of when I begin?


    We all experience gout somewhat differently. I for one never have any pain from TOUCH at the site of an old major toe attack, but after a long long walk or run, the “sore feet” syndrome that is somewhat normal seems concentrated in that same bunion joint ( and that attack was over a decade ago.) I never run because my knees soon break down and start making life miserable.

    I too am fond (if fond is the right word) of the elliptical trainer and I use it regualrly. I have found that my feet are happier if I do the workout barefooted.

    So yes, I think one might very well expect heightened sensitivity at the site of an old attack. I think every acute attack leaves a little something behind and the joint is never quite the same. All the more reason to PREVENT attacks rather than settle for TREATING them.


    From my experience on this- (fwiw)

    If you can ride a bike without stressing the bad joints- all to the good, it's the only way I can get around when I have an attack,[assuming you don't get knee or instep problems, that is].

    It keeps the morale up and stops long days of inactivity that don't help general wellness.

    17 miles though, would seem like pushing it to me, as stress in general is supposed to contribute  to attacks. Tiredness certainly, in my case.

    Did I read here somewhere, that lactic acid from heavy training workouts can mess up the bodies Ph balance- seems to make sense.

    I do get tenderness on old sites, particularly on the big toe joints which act as monitors to impending activity-

    If you have this mechanism then you may manage a work round but you know how effective your meds are in this, should you 'get it wrong'.


    What is a MORE likely problem than lactic acid after a hard workout, is cellular breakdown releasing a lot of nucleic acid breakdown products>>>uric acid!

    34 mile round trip bike ride to work…sounds like an IRON MAN COMPETITION!Cool


    I normall get my bike out in summer (now) and go two times in a week for 40mile ride. Not sure if I should even try it considerign I don't even know if I have Gout or something else. I might start next week to see what happens 🙂


    Seems to me VegGuy, 5 or 10 miles a day for 5 days would be a sensible weekly 'maintainence routine' while you sort out a diagnosis and treatment plan.

     I know a head on approach is admirable when the medals get handed out- but your body may hand you a few first!

    Gout isn't in the least forgiving….


    Trev your post made me smile (the medal bit) Wink I kept the bike in the shed. Just low maintainence exercise at the gym is all that I am doign now.

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