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    I have a PH of 5.5 and really extreme?problem with gout(multiple attacks a month for the last year)?My nephrologist want me to lower my ph to around 7.5 to make things more soluable. How do I do this without using sodium bicarbonate?


    Potassium citrate comes in various preparations. Polycitra-K comes as a liquid and in crystals (packets) that you mix in water. It comes in several flavors which are worth trying. In either case they can be sufficiently diluted or mixed into other juices to minimize the taste. Another option is K-Lyte which comes as an effervescent tablet that dissolves in water, like an Alka-Seltzer. It also comes in different flavors worth trying on your kids. It's a combination of potassium citrate and potassium bicarbonate; that's OK because citrate and bicarbonate are equivalent. It also comes as “DS” or double strength. (You DON'T want K-Lyte/Cl which is potassium chloride and has no alkalinizing property). Another popular form of potassium citrate is Urocit-K, a pill form. They are actually in a wax matrix from which the drug dissolves. People often see the unabsorbed, undissolved wax in their bowel movements; this does not mean the mineral is not being absorbed.

    Compare doses of these preparations in milliequivalents (mEq) of bicarbonate equivalents; ignore the number of milligrams. Most people need anywhere from 20 to 120 mEq per day, but measuring the urine pH is the way to determine how much you need. Bicitra and Shohl?s solution are 15 mEq per tablespoon (1 tbsp=15 cc, cubic centimeters), or 1 mEq per cc. Polycitra liquid has 2 mEq per cc (half as sodium, half as potassium). Polycitra-K liquid is 2 mEq per cc, all potassium. Polycitra-K crystals come as 30 mEq per packet. Urocit-K comes in 5 and 10 mEq tablets. K-Lyte comes as 25 mEq per tab, and 50 mEq for the ?double-strength? DS. The standard generic sodium bicarbonate tab (325 milligrams, like an adult aspirin) is about 4 mEq.


    I assume you are talking about your URINARY pH because it is impossible to change Blood pH outside the noarrowest range, 7.35-7.45, ?without fatal results.


    Safest non-pharmaceutical way to raise urinary pH is more fruits and vegetables, less meat.

    For an easy to find product, a bottle of Citrate of Magnesia might do the trick…a couple Tbsp periodically?won't have the laxative effect…plus you have a good magnesium supplement, good for the nerves.

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