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  • #2916
    Al O’Purinol

    In order to prevent future gout attacks, I need to understand my underlying cause. I know what TRIGGERS a gout flare up; however, how can I determine if I have a problem with my kidneys, or merely a dietery intake problem?  If I knew, I could more readily plan accordingly.


    The most important thing is to check your uric acid levels. You can only manage gout by keeping uric acid levels down.

    The reason for this, is that old crystals can cause gout flares when they dissolve. I have explained how allopurinol can cause this gout pain, but this is true for any form of uric acid lowering treatment – including diet.

    Your doctor can check kidney function to see if this is an issue.

    Dietary assessment is simply a question of analyzing the facts. How tall are you, how much do you weigh, and what is a typical day’s food and drink?


    how can I determine if I have a problem with my kidneys, or merely a dietery intake problem?

    The test is common: you collect all your urine for 24 hours and have it analyzed to see how much uric acid you have expelled. If a lot, you are likely making too much, if a little your kidneys are likely not excreting it properly. If the former, allopurinol is your best bet, for the latter a uricosuric like probenecid will probably be your best choice.

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