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Participant>> I see no reason to suffer 3 weeks with an attack.
Inexperience I guess. I'm 54 and have had about 6 attacks of various severity over the past 15 years in the same big toe, usually with over a year in between. I've always gone to a GP who simply puts me on a course of Indomethacin and it usually subsides after a week or so. I've not really researched it in depth before because of the infrequency of the attacks.
Here is what happened:
I recently had some issues with hypertension so the LPN in the office started me taking a thiazide diuretic. Although the gout history indications were in my record, she didn't connect the dots and I didn't know any better. Based on my research, I now believe that this was probably the trigger to the whole episode.
Moving forward… I went on a caribbean cruise in February which rekindled my love for Rum. After returning home I continued moderately partaking which did its part in helping me dehydrate during the night. (you see where this is going don't you).
What were rare and relatively controllable episodes of joint pain flared up into the mother of all big toes that simply got worse and worse to the point of tears in the middle of the night, several nights in a row. This is the first time that I've had to use a cane to walk in my life and it really was a wake up call. I went back on the Indo, stopped the diuretic, started drinking plenty of water and quit the alcohol.
My serum uric acid level was 7.5 last month at the lab, but it was only tested once and this is the first time that I've even had it checked. I've purchased the UASURE to keep better track of my levels and I'm waiting for it to arrive now. I also have an Omron digital BP monitor just because I like to keep track of that stuff myself and it's cheaper than going to the doc and using a lab. I'm still going to have to tend to the hypertension after this flare up is over so better knowing my uric acid levels will help me make a better informed decision about how to treat the hypertension moving forward.
Obviously, I'm not in as bad of shape as others that I've read about on the site. My heart goes out to you. Just doing a Google image search for 'gout' is enough to make me thankful and make some lifestyle change choices.
>> Why not give colchicine a try?
I'm a bit concerned about the side-effects and think that my dietary and lifestyle changes should keep this under control but I'll research it a bit more and consider taking it if and when another attack occurs. Thanks.
I've had very good improvement over the past 24-48 hours where I can actually walk without a cane! I have movement back in my toe and the swelling, redness and pain has subsided about 80%. I hope to be back in shoes by tomorrow. This episode will have lasted about a month if it continues to improve at this rate.
I've been taking 1 tsp of BS, twice a day trying to keep my urine pH between 7.4 and 8.4. (I know the hypertension implications so I am also monitoring my BP) Don't know if the BS is this cause for the improvement, because I'm also drinking 4 qts of water/day (I'm 235lbs), 12-24 oz of Black cherry juice (don't know how helpful this actually is but it sure tastes good!) and 50mg of Indocin 3 times a day with lots of rest and elevating my foot. I suppose they all do their part to help.