Your doctor will tell you the best indomethacin dosage for gout.

I can tell you what the prescribing information recommends, but before I do, let me explain some key points.

Indomethacin is a general purpose Non-Steroidal Anti-Inflammatory Drug (NSAID). As such it carries a health warning to avoid prolonged use and to minimize dose where possible. So it is vital, to only take indomethacin when you really need it. Also, it is vital to seek your doctor’s advice about starting uric acid lowering treatment. Because this will remove the need for gout pain relief if your treatment is managed properly.

Indomethacin dosage guidelines vary according to the condition being treated. However, you should also be very careful not to exceed the maximum dose. Because this is set according to your weight at 3 mg per kg per day.

It is sensible with any medicine, if you have never taken it before, to start with a minimum dose. This will help you avoid or minimize indomethacin side effects. Your doctor or pharmacist will advise what that minimum dose is.

Indomethacin Dosage For Gout

The correct indomethacin dosage for gout is 50 mg three times per day. You should stop taking it as soon as the pain is bearable.

The dosage is confirmed in the Indocin For Gout Guidelines.

Indomethacin Dosage for Gout chart
from Management of Acute and Recurrent Gout

Indomethacin Spellings

Like many medicines, indomethacin is often misspelled. Though spelling is often overrated, it pays to take extra care with medicines, as a misunderstanding might cause treatment problems in the unlikely event of a similar sounding drug being taken mistakenly.

In the list below, I have included brand names, where the active ingredient is indomethacin alone. When buying medicine, it is usually best to use the generic name rather than a brand name, unless additional active ingredients make the gout medicine more useful to you.


Indo replaced by Endo.


Indo replaced by Ido – missing n.


A common abbreviation, but not recommended, as abbreviations can often cause confusion.


thacin replaced by cine. This appears most frequently in Chinese articles.


meth replaced by menth.


A very common alternative (dropping the h), which is the main spelling in some countries. See the indometacin page for more details.


This is the correct spelling of the NSAID that is used to
relieve gout pain by reducing inflammation. Full details can be found in
the indomethacin pages in the Anti-Inflammatory Gout Cure part of the Gout Treatment Section.

Indomethacin Brands

Common brand names include: Arthrexin, Indocin; Indocid; Indomethacinum; Indomethazine; Imbrilon; Metindol; Tannex; and Novo-Methacin.


e added at end – French spelling. Also occurs as indometacine.


cin replaced by cyn – possibly Indonesian or other language.


thacin replaced by thasin – s instead of c.


missing a near end.


a replaced by e.


a replaced by i. Also gets written as endomethicin.


a replaced by o.

Everything that I have said about indomethacin dosage for gout also applies to all the alternatives listed here.

If you are aware of other common spellings or brand names, please share them on the gout resources forum.

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