Gout Relief is a list of alternative treatments to relieve gout pain. Specifically, these are gout treatments outside the usual choices of drugs, herbs, or diet.

Gout Relief Audience

I wrote Gout Relief mainly for GoutPal Seekers. However, it predates my reorganization by type of gout sufferer. So, most items will interest other types of gout sufferer. Therefore, you can continue to read Gout Relief. Or, you can find your gout sufferer type in Questions for Gout Sufferers.

Gout Relief

As well as the hundreds of different pain relieving medicines, there are natural products that can reduce pain and inflammation. But many gout sufferers cannot tolerate side-effects, or find the medicines or alternatives ineffective.

The medical profession is beginning to recognize other methods of pain relief. Examples include acupuncture, TENS machines, low-level laser, etc.

In this part of the Gout Treatment Guidelines, I look at alternative gout treatment technologies and methods. Because they do not involve drugs, herbal extracts, or related preparations. So, as they are non-medical, they are also non-prescription.

Wrapping to Relieve Gout Pain

This is simply keeping gout-affected areas warm. In earlier versions of my Heat or Ice information, I wrote about warm compresses. Also, I’ve mentioned heat pads and microwave heat bags for gout. Often, it’s simply a matter of wearing extra socks. Or suitable additional layers of clothing to protect the area affected by gout. Because more uric acid crystals will form as the temperature lowers.

This is really a matter of being aware of your surroundings. So, avoid chills from air conditioning, open windows, cold footwells etc. Wrap additional layers of clothing, a warm water bottle, or other sources of warmth. But, avoid too much heat, as that will increase inflammation.

Finally, I must clarify comments about warm compresses on gouty joints. Because these are a good way to apply gentle warmth to an area affected by gout. But ‘compress’ means to apply light pressure to push warmth into the joint. So, it is completely different from compression socks, compression sleeves, or other compression bandages.

These compression appliances are medical devices used to treat specific health conditions. But, I can find no evidence to support their use for gout. That is to say, they won’t help relieve gout pain, and they shouldn’t harm gout. But, they can affect circulation. So only use them when advised by your doctor, and never for gout relief.

Gout Relief Without Prescription

Your Gout Relief

These gout relief pages will help you find good short-term pain relief. But, you must also find long-term solutions to lowering uric acid. So, you should look at acupuncture (listed above for pain relief) or blood donation. Also, you will find other medical and herbal gout relief in Gout Treatment Guidelines (link below).

Finally, if there is anything you need clarifying, just ask in the gout forum. Or, tell me using the Feedback Form, below.

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